Preparation And After-Care


You do not need to chug water leading up to your appointment. Drink what makes you feel comfortable without feeling like you’re forcing fluids in preparation for a colonic. We have electrolyte water as well as tea and though we usually offer beverages after your session, please let us know if you arrive feeling like you need to have a drink before starting your session.


If you're not on a cleanse, stop eating 4 hours before your scheduled appointment. This will make your colonic more comfortable as your body will not be digesting and eliminating at the same time. Failure to do this can result in nausea and occasionally vomiting during your session. To avoid this, do not consume alcohol the night before your treatment. Please do not come in hung over for a first appointment.

Following your appointment we suggest eating food that feel easy on your digestion. Ideas: over cooked or mushy vegetables like in a ratatouille, having bone broth or a blended soup, or a mono meal of pineapple (rich in the enzyme bromelain). Many people benefit from additional digestive support by taking HCL or a digestive enzyme with their next meal post colonic. For best results we suggest proper food combining following your colonic and eating foods that you feel well suited to digest. If you have trouble fasting & worry about blood sugar post colonic you might want to plan for a snack to follow like a probiotic coconut yogurt and raspberries or a banana. We are happy to hold something in our fridge for you if you’d like.


If you are constipated, some people find taking a therapeutic dose of a water soluble magnesium the night before and after your treatment to be helpful. Please stop all fiber supplementation, stool softeners, and laxatives before coming in.